15+ Best AI Plugins for WordPress and WooCommerce for 2023

In the age of digital marketing, many businesses and companies have the chance to be seen and shine brighter. They can offer their services more widely and to a larger audience. WordPress is one of the popular platforms for content management and launching flawless high-speed websites for product selling that incorporates many AI plugins. Although WordPress was initially a website builder and CMS (content management system), it developed more capabilities to enable e-commerce businesses to work easier and more efficiently.

One of the best features of WordPress is the flexibility to integrate with other platforms and plugins to expand and enhance its features.
Whether you run e-commerce or online services, your WordPress-based website needs plugins for extra features to create a user-friendly interface for customers and make your interactions with clients as easy as possible.
So, in this article, we will introduce 15+ AI plugins for WordPress.

What Is a Plugin and How to Use It?

Before we jump into the juicy parts, let’s learn more about plugins.

A plugin is a software that adds extra functionality and features to the existing platform or application, making it more flexible for other tasks and programs. Plugins create more room for other functions without touching the core of the main application or software.

These programmable software components are created to smoothly connect with current systems and increase their capabilities in order to provide users with a comprehensive and flexible website-building experience.
WordPress, in particular, significantly relies on plugins to expand its features. That’s one of the reasons there have been so many AI plugins for WordPress developed in the past few years.

Think of WordPress plugins as a Swiss Army knife; they are versatile, comprehensive, and get the job done. These AI plugins are like add-ons you can use to enhance the functionality and performance of your website.

If you have worked with WordPress before for optimizing your website, content, and blog posts, you know the Yoast SEO plugin that aids search engine optimization and increases the impression.

With the development of AI tools, WordPress AI plugins are becoming more popular. They do the same job by leveraging the power of artificial intelligence, adding even more features and capabilities to WordPress.
to the platform or application.

WordPress AI plugins essentially give users the ability to customize their website without the need for complex technical knowledge to match their needs and requirements for crafting a flawless website.
They increase the potential of what can be accomplished with this well-known content management system while saving time and effort.
WordPress plugins are essential tools for anyone trying to build a dynamic and feature-rich online presence, from bloggers and small businesses to major corporations.

15+ AI Plugins for WordPress and WooCommerce

Here, we discuss 15+ WordPress AI plugins with their usage and capabilities. Suppose you want to run e-commerce or any other type of service that needs a website. In that case, these AI plugins for WordPress and WooCommerece are essential for empowering your website, security, content creation, purchasing products, and overall performance.

So, let’s dive in.

1. Yoast

Best for: search engine optimization, SEO suggestions, improving readability, and keywords.
Price: $99
Rating: 4.6 / 5

Yoast is a comprehensive WordPress plugin that analyzes your blog and gives you insights into improving your blog posts, appearance, readability, and your website’s overall SEO.
In other words, he was sales primary goal is to simplify the complicated world of search engine optimization. This plugin helps users and content developers easily optimize their content for search engines like Google without extensive technical knowledge and understanding.

This WordPress plugin provides real-time content analysis emphasizing areas for development, including meta titles, meta descriptions, and focus keywords. It also analyzes the readability of the content, ensuring that your articles are both user-friendly and pleasing to human readers. Another strength point of yours is the user-friendly interface.

Moreover, with the features and functions, Yoast can also create XML site Maps, help with internal linking plans, and make it easier to use schema markup for Rich Snippets. For your last pricing, both free and premium versions are offered. The premium pricing plans include more sophisticated features such as redirected management and thorough keyword analysis and suggestions.

Generally, this plugin is widely used by content creators and even e-commerce websites and is essential for keeping websites up and running, fresh, and search engine optimized.

Yoast Key Features:

  • On-page SEO analysis
  • Readability analysis
  • XML sitemaps
  • Focus keywords
  • Key phrase suggestion
  • Internal linking suggestion
  • Schema markup
  • Breadcrumb
  • Content cornerstone analysis

2. GetGenie AI

Best for: Ai content generating, writing assistant, keyword and SEO analysis
Price: Free plan – premium plans start at $69.3 per month
Rate: 4.8

GetGenie AI is an AI writing assistant that offers a WordPress plugin. It’s a powerful AI content writing tool that helps users create and optimize their content directly on WordPress. The tool leverages the power of AI and natural language processing to generate unique content that ranks.
It offers many practical features for optimizing content and boosting SEO. The WordPress plugin allows users to access GetGenie AI features and functions easily.
GetGenie AI is a comprehensive tool that provides keyword analysis and gives insights into what needs improvement.
Moreover, GetGenie AI generates SEO-optimized product descriptions for WooCommerece, boosting performance and productivity.

GetGenie AI Key Features:

  • SEO research
  • Keyword analysis
  • Competitors analysis
  • Quick content creation
  • Content optimization and analysis
  • SERP analysis
  • AI chatbot

3. Bertha AI

Best for: content creation, copywriting
Price: $20 per month
Rate: 9.2 /10

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Another ChatGPT WordPress plugin, Bertha AI, offers an AI plugin for WordPress, making creating outstanding content directly on WordPress easier. With Bertha AI, users can create any form of written content in 20+ languages, save time, and work more efficiently.
Moreover, this AI writing generator is based on GPT-3, providing a large database of pre-trained algorithms and sentences, making it a useful tool for generating blog posts, meta descriptions, and titles.

Moreover, Bertha AI creates images based on the image description you provide. You can also generate AI images to incorporate into your content by using searched image prompts. This method can help you get the best out of this WordPress AR plugin. Another advantage of Bertha AI as a WordPress plugin is it enables you to generate product descriptions, including compelling selling points beneficial for e-commerce websites. Additionally, you can use this plugin or Chrome extension on WooCommerce and SEO plugins for easier access to edit and improve your content for the descriptions and meta tags.

Bertha AI Key Features:

  • AI content generation
  • AI image generation
  • Unlimited users
  • Ask me anything (chat and content writer)
  • Long-form content

4. WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing

Best for: dynamic pricing plans, setting discounts, tiered pricing, bulk purchasing
Price: $10.75 / month, billed annually at $129.00
Rate: 4.8 / 5

Woocommerce is a popular WordPress plugin that is designed particularly for e-commerce businesses. This plugin offers many flexible features, including WooCommerce Dynamic pricing. You can think of it as another AI plugin for WordPress that enables websites to update their product pricing based on certain rules. Woocommerce Dynamic pricing gives the ability to use adaptable and customized pricing schemes.
Artificial intelligence helps this platform and businesses to develop Dynamic pricing rules that react to different circumstances and deliver customers a customized shopping experience. Using AI, online businesses can offer discounts for large product purchases. These offerings entice clients to make further purchases and transactions.

With the help of this AI plugin, you can run campaigns and include captivating discounts. Additionally, this WordPress AI plunging offers tiered pricing, which enables websites and companies to set diverse pricing plans depending on the number of goods or quantity purchased, making it ideal for encouraging bulk purchases.

The plugin is easy to install, and you can easily integrate it with WordPress.
Go to your WooCommerce account and download the zip file to download the plugin.
Then, add the plugin to the WordPress new plugins.

WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing Key Features:

  • Bulk discounts
  • Tiered pricing
  • Role-based pricing
  • Category-based pricing
  • Product-based discount
  • Time-limited offers
  • Discount Coupons

5. WordLift AI

Best for: optimizing content, incorporating multimedia,
Price: starts at €49
Rating: 4.8 / 5

Another Openai WordPress plugin is Wordlift AI software, which majorly focuses on optimizing content. This WordPress plugin is a potent tool that gives WordPress websites the advantages of semantic SEO and artificial intelligence. This plugin is designed to help website owners, designers, and content creators optimize their content to boost their overall performance and increase engagement and search engine impressions. Ward lift AI enables users to quickly incorporate structured data and schema markup, improving how well search engines interpret their content.

In addition to improving SEO, Wordlift AI makes it easier for readers to navigate and understand the content. Moreover, this AI WordPress plugin offers multilingual support, making it appropriate for a range of users, and gives insightful analytics to monitor the effects of semantic SEO on website performance.

Word lift AI Key Features:

  • Semantic SEO optimization
  • Entity recognition
  • Knowledge graphs
  • Content recommendations
  • Content enrichment
  • Multilingual support
  • Schema markup generation
  • Analytics

6. Elementor AI

Best for: Website building
Price: $2.99 /mo
Rating: 5 / 5

Elementor might be one of the most popular AI plugins for WordPress that makes website building a breeze.
This plugin is specifically designed for website building, making it easy to create outstanding websites with little to no coding knowledge. As an AI plugin for WordPress, this software offers AI-generated text and code generation that help you build your website easier and quicker. Elementor AI takes web design and coding to the next level. The software combines artificial intelligence and website design, enabling users to create and maintain websites in less time and effort. This AI worthless plugin offers features such as text generation, custom CSS, and custom coding. Overall, Element AI makes it much easier to create a new website from scratch, offering both speed quality and beautiful design.

Elementor AI Key Features:

  • Call to action
  • Text editor
  • Animated headlines and buttons
  • Flexibility in coding for pro users

7. Crisp Chat

Best for: AI chatbot, customer support
Price: free, and €25 per month for startups
Rating: 4.7 / 5

You know that always gathering a customer support team is essential for keeping clients on your website and helping them find what they need. Therefore, implementing a robust AI chatbot can go a long way. Crisp Chat is a GPT3 WordPress plugin that provides an AI assistant for customer service.

With the help of AI, Crisp Chat is revolutionizing how companies connect with their online customers and create customer support. This AI plugin improves user engagement revenue and customer support based on AI capabilities. Crips Chat leverages the power of machine learning and natural language processing to automatically respond to frequently asked questions and record previous conversations with the customer.

Since it’s based on NLP, the chat box only gets better and provides answers and help for customers and time and gets more accurate and useful.
Additionally, Crisp Chat tracks visitors, monitors user activities, and personalizes interactions. Moreover, this WordPress AI plugin enables businesses to deliver address and real-time support project recommendations and service suggestions by comprehending visitors’ preferences and browsing habits.

Crisp Chat Key features:

  • Live chat
  • Chatbots
  • Visitor tracking
  • Multichannel messaging
  • File sharing
  • Mobile app
  • Integrations with CRMs, email marketing software, and WooCommerce

8. Divi AI

Best for: WordPress theme, AI image generating, AI content generating
Price: starts at $24 per month
Rate: 4.9 / 5

Divi is mostly renowned for the beautiful design and theme it gives to WordPress. Designed by Elegant themes, Divi AI is a text and AI image generator that works perfectly on Divi, enabling users to write flawless content and create eye-catching images. You can easily install the WordPress plugin and directly access the features and tools of this software.

Divi AI Key Features:

  • Auto content generation
  • Automatic image generation
  • AI writing assistant
  • Suggests what to write next

9. Rank Math SEO

Best for: SEO optimization, XML sitemaps, redirection
Price: $59/year
Rate: starts at $45.75 / month

Rank Math SEO is a powerful WordPress AI plugin that is designed to improve your website search engine optimization performance. This effective solution combines AI and cutting-edge algorithms to support website owners in boosting their online presence and generating organic traffic.

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Rank Math thoroughly evaluates the SEO performance of your website and content and provides instant advice to help you optimize your blog posts for particular keyboards.
Moreover, Rank Math offers AI-driven analysis that includes many on-page SEO factors like keyword density, headlines, meta tags, readability, and more.

Another prominent feature of Rank Math SEO is that it supports rich snippets and can use schema markup.
You can also optimize how your content appears on search engine results by including the structured data. It’s necessary to enhance your website performance to increase CTR and impression, and Rank Math SEO helps you through the process. This WordPress AI plugin also makes it easier to control technical SEO factors. It helps with building and managing redirection, monitors and manages 404 errors, and generates XML sitemaps automatically.

Overall, Rank Math SEO is a comprehensive and user-friendly AI plugin for WordPress that enables website owners to optimize their SEO efforts effectively and efficiently.
It integrates seamlessly with other WordPress plugins and themes.
Any WordPress website trying to improve visibility and online presence will benefit from using this plugin.

Rank Math SEO Key Features:

  • SEO analysis
  • Rich snippets
  • XML sitemap generator
  • Redirection manager
  • 404 errors monitor
  • Local SEO optimization
  • Integration with other tools

10. Support Board

Best for: Customer support, AI chatbot
Price: $59 per month for WordPress
Rate: 4.9 / 5

This AI chatbot is another AI plugin for WordPress that improves communication.
Support Board is a flexible WordPress plugin that transforms communication and customer service on the website. It gives website owners evolutionary interaction and real-time communication with visitors and customers by leveraging the powers of AI and live chat features. This capability encourages customers to ask their questions and boosts problem-solving, leading to a stronger customer relationship.

Support Board WordPress plugin normally includes a comprehensive ticketing system that enables customers to send and manage their requests and questions conveniently. The customer service team can successfully manage the tickets and ensure no inquiry remains unanswered.
Moreover, Support Board offers a user-friendly interface and customizable widgets. it can also be easily integrated into any WordPress website.

Additionally, Support Board provides practical tools for user satisfaction and streamlines the support process. such as automated responses, visit retracting and conversation history.

Support Board Key Features:

  • Live chat
  • Ticketing system
  • Customizable chat widgets
  • Chat history
  • Visitor tracking
  • Automated responses
  • Canned- responses

11. AI Engine

Best for: customized chatbot, integrating AI tools
Price: free
Rate: 4.9/5

AI Engine is a versatile AI plugin for WordPress that enables users and website owners to create images and content. With the help of AI Engine, you can easily create content and get tasks like translation and editing done in the AI playground. You can also create a customized chatbot for your website, monitor AI usage, and set limits. This WordPress plugin enables you to make your website even more interesting by creating datasets and AI models. With the help of an API key, you can easily connect AI Engine to other AI tools like Open AI’s ChatGPT to your website and create your own chatbot.

AI Engine Key Features:

  • AI models like ChatGPT-3 and 4.
  • AI image generator
  • AI content generator
  • Creating templates
  • AI bot training
  • Write WooCommerce product descriptions
  • Internal API


Best for: creating Chatbots, SEO optimization, XML sitemaps
Price: $299 per year
Rate: 4.7

AIOSEO, or All in One SEO, is an AI Plugin for WordPress that enables Open AI’s ChatGPT to generate powerful SEO titles and meta tags for search engine optimization. AIOSEO makes SEO efforts easier by offering optimizing titles, meta descriptions, and other essential SEO factors. The WordPress plugin generates XML site maps to increase the chances of Google crawling and indexing the pages in less time. It also integrates with popular e-commerce and social media platforms. Moreover, AIOSEO provides schema markup to improve the visibility of your content in search engine results.
Although AIOSEO may not directly implement AI, you can use it with AI platforms for data analysis, content optimization, and keyword research to enhance your SEO efforts. The plugin also helps you develop a powerful SEO strategy to improve your website ranking and increase impressions and CTR by integrating AIOSEO with AI tools and chatbots.

AIOSEO Key Features:

  • On-page SEO optimization
  • XML sitemap generator
  • Schema markup
  • Social media integration
  • WooCommerce SEO
  • Google analytics integration
  • Advanced options for experienced developers
  • Keyword optimization
  • Rich snippets
  • Canonical URLs

13. Wordfence

Best for: WordPress security and defense
Price: $119 per year
Rate: 4.5 / 5

Although Word Fence is not an AI plugin, it is one of the most crucial plugins that every website built by WordPress should have. Wordfence protects WordPress websites against online attacks and provides powerful security. This WordPress plugin is an essential tool that gives website owners access to several robust security features. Wordfence includes a strong web application firewall(WAF) that protects websites against all kinds of online attacks like SQL injection and cross-site (XSS). Moreover, Wordfence maintains the integrity of websites through regular virus scanning and integrity monitoring. With two-factor authentication (2FA) and the capability to block brute-force attacks, Wordfence also improves login security. Additionally, it allows users to block malicious IP addresses or entire ranges, guaranteeing that websites are secure in the digital landscape.

Wordfence Key Features:

  • Malware scanner
  • Malware removal
  • Activity log
  • Login protection
  • Vulnerability detection
  • Two-factor authentication

14. ShortPixel

Best for: compressing images, optimizing images and library, boosting loading speed
Price: starts at $8 per month 1 domain
Rate: 4.5 / 5

ShortPixel AI is a powerful WordPress plugin for image optimization, made to improve website performance and user interaction. This plugin allows users to quickly and effectively optimize and compress the images on the website without sacrificing quality. This plugin means your unique needs, offering both lossy and Lossless compression options.

Moreover, ShortPixel automatically optimizes existing photos in your media library and can compress new uploads. Therefore, your site will load quicker and more effectively, meeting one of the most important SEO factors: speed.

Another distinguishing feature of Shortpixel is the capacity to convert photos to the WebP format, which is like a higher capacity for compression.

Additionally, ShortPixel offers original image backups that you can access if necessary. This AI WordPress plugin is invaluable for website owners trying to speed up page loads and increase their SEO rankings by optimizing their photos.

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Shortpixel is also user-friendly and seamlessly integrates with WordPress plugins, themes, and page builders.

ShortPixel Key Features:

  • Image compression
  • Lossy and lossless compression
  • Bulk optimization
  • Image formats (JPEG, PNG, GIF, and WebP)
  • Backup and restore
  • Integration
  • Performance reports
  • API Access

15. Quttera Web Malware Scanner

Best for: security and protection, malware scanning
Price: $10 a month
Rate: 4 / 5

Another WordPress AI plugin for safety and protection, Quttera, is a cutting-edge cybersecurity tool created to protect websites from the threat of malware and malicious code.
This AI plugin carefully examines the website using its sophisticated algorithms to scan and spot any indications of compromise quickly. Quttera Web Malware Scanner leaves no stone unturned and searches every blind spot for malware, strange files, and potential vulnerabilities.

Its hardcore approach to security and continuous monitoring of popular blacklists makes sure that your website keeps a spotless reputation.

Furthermore, the scanner’s capacity to spot phishing attempts and misleading information contributes to protecting both your website and the trust of your visitors.

One of the remarkable features of Quttera is its fast response system.
In case of a security issue or breach, the scanner notifies the website administrators on time, enabling them to take immediate action.

Additionally, it provides protection scans on a regular basis, ensuring that new threads are identified and eliminated before they can cause harm. The Quttera Web Malware Scanner is an essential tool for websites to protect their online presence from cyber threats while maintaining a secure online environment for their users and visitors.

Quttera Web Malware Scanner Key Features:

  • Malware detection
  • Blacklistg monitoring
  • Phishing detection
  • Timely alerts
  • Regular scans

16. Uncanny Automator

Best for: task automation
Price: Free plan – $199 annually
Rate: 4.7 / 5

Uncanny Automator is a robust WordPress plugin that simplifies and automates complex tasks on your website to increase efficiency and enhance user experience.
Being a versatile tool, Uncanny enables different WordPress plugins to integrate and interact seamlessly and automate the interaction between these plugins.
Uncanny Automator makes it easy to handle memberships, e-commerce transactions, email marketing, and much more by allowing you to define conditional triggers.

Moreover, Uncanny Automator decreases manual tasks by automating routine tasks and procedures, saving time and creating a more dynamic and responsive WordPress website.

So, if you run an e-commerce website or launch various plugins on your WordPress website, Uncanny Automator will positively impact your website’s performance.

Uncanny Automator Key Features:

  • Integrations
  • Conditional logic
  • Actions and triggers
  • Custom triggers
  • User Engagement
  • User tracking
  • Zapier integration
  • User-friendly interface

17. Hostinger AI Assistant

Best for: AI content generation, website builder, logo maker
Price: starts at $2.99/month
Rate: 4.4 / 5

With their business web hosting and cloud services, Hostinger offers an AIS system designed to speed up content creation. Users can enable this free AI content generator WordPress plugin during onboarding when setting up a WordPress website through Hostinger’s hPanel, which simplifies the installation.
To make the most of Hostinger, you must activate the AI WordPress plugin. Once that is done, you can utilize the features by going to the Hostinger section in your WordPress admin dashboard and choosing the AI assistant tab.
It is also simple to use, and you can start working with it after briefly describing the subject of your article and, then click “generate content”. The AI uses your input to produce SEO-optimized blog content.
Moreover, if you want to get the best result and detailed content, it’s recommended to include a thorough topic and content description. You can also optimize the content for a particular keyword.

Hostinger Key Features:

  • AI-generated content
  • AI logo maker
  • AI heatmap
  • AI business name generator
  • AI writer
  • AI website builder

18. Voicer

Best for: text-to-speech, creating human-like audio
Price: $20
Rate: 4.6/5

Voicer is a WordPress plugin that turns text into human-like speech to create a high-quality human voice. The plugin uses state-of-the-art technology in machine learning and artificial intelligence. The Google Cloud platform serves as the foundation for the plugin, guaranteeing its dependability and speed everywhere in the world.
This tool is capable of converting text into human-like speech in more than 310 voices across 45+ languages and variants. Voicer combines groundbreaking voice synthesis technology (WaveNet) with Google’s powerful neural networks, so you can create human-like customer service using this WordPress AI plugin.

Voicer Key Features:

  • Multi-lingual support
  • Powered by Google text-to-speech
  • More than 275 human-like voices
  • Compatible with WordPress themes
  • Compatible with modern browsers
  • Compatible with other WordPress plugins

19. 10Web AI Assistant

Best for: Content creation
Price: Free for one website
Rate: 8.1/10

10web AI assistant is an AI-powered WordPress plugin, content writer, and editor exclusively crafted for WordPress users. With this plugin, you can easily and efficiently produce high-quality content and make edits 10 times faster than traditional and manual modes in the WordPress environment. Whether you are used to Gutenberg block editor or Classic editor, you can optimize your content creation using this plugin. So, if you are looking for an AIS system for generating, revising, and optimizing content in WordPress, this tool is recommended to cater to your needs.

10Web Ai Assistant Key Features:

  • Content generation
  • Paragraph, outline, product description writing
  • User-friendly
  • WordPress exclusive
  • Improves content readability

Copymatic WordPress Plugin

Best for: Content writing and copywriting assistant

Price: $32/mo

Rating: 4.7/5

Copymatic is another Chatgpt WordPress Plugin that is responsible for generating AI content and AI images for your blog posts and other types of content. The tool leverages the power of ChatGPT-3 to produce text on any topic. The tool is also a great aid in brainstorming for blog topics and captions, giving you various ideas for your next posts. it’s mostly used for SEO content writing, social media posts and captions, and ad copies.


  • 50+ Available tools
  • Grammer check
  • Paraphrase and rewriter
  • User-friendly interface
  • SEO content writer
  • AI image generator
  • Plagiarism Checker

Wrap-up: What are the benefits of using AI plugins for WordPress?

WordPress is the most widely used website builder and content management system that provides many functions and offers the flexibility to include plugins to expand its functionality. Plugins are software that helps WordPress with different tasks or adds to its features, making it more useful and practical. Now, the AI plugins are powered by artificial intelligence and bring advanced technology to the table, streamlining tasks, content writing on WordPress, SEO optimization, and many other functions.
Therefore, with the fast-paced, growing technology, it’s essential to keep your website up-to-date and maintain speed, quality, and customer service, which AI plugins can easily do for WordPress.